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Grants Awarded in 2024

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Mitigating the impact of artificial light in GTNP: Understanding the effects of different hues on birds and bats

Project Leaders: Dr. Michela Corsini & Dr. Jesse Barber

Boise State University


Beavers as biodiversity buffers

Project Leaders: Kathryn Davis & Melanie Murphy

Program in Ecology & Evolution, University of Wyoming


Teton Range Bighorn Sheep nutritional carrying capacity study

Project Leader: Sarah Dewey

Grand Teton National Park Foundation 


Ecology of resource switching in the Red Crossbill

Project Leader: Konshau Duman

University of California, Davis


Maintaining long-term data collection on sensitive raptors in Wyoming

Project Leader: Katherine Gura

Teton Raptor Center


Population demography of the last populations of Yellowstone Sand Verbena (Abronia ammophila)

Project Leaders: Sierra Jaeger & Eric LoPresti

University of South Carolina


Evaluating ARU-based detection and monitoring methods of Great Gray Owls (Strix nebulosa) in Southwest Montana

Project Leader: Arcata Leavitt

Montana State University


Sporting Lead-Free

Project Leader: Hannah Leonard

Teton Raptor Center


Assessing breeding and post-breeding distributions and habitat use of Harlequin Ducks in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem using high-resolution GPS transmitters

Project Leader: Dustin Meatty

Biodiversity Research Institute


Evening Grosbeak connectivity and habitat use in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem

Project Leader: Amanda Pavlowsky

Western Pennsylvania Conservancy


Are invasive carp and the loss of native host fish reducing native freshwater mussels in Wyoming?

Project Leaders: Sandra Poratti & Dr. Lusha Tronstad

University of Wyoming / Wyoming Natural Diversity Database


Assessing the response of lake-wide nutrient dynamics and water quality to Lake Trout suppression methods in Yellowstone Lake

Project Leaders: Isabella Sadler & Dr. Annika Walters

University of Wyoming Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit


Keystone habitat elements as a tool in the conservation of wildlife biodiversity and abundance

Project Leaders: Eric Schoenborn & Dr. Anna Chalfoun

University of Wyoming Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit


What do Bighorn Sheep eat? Using new technology to better understand alpine ungulate nutrition

Project Leaders: Rachael Smiley & Dr. Kevin Montieth

University of Wyoming


Parasites and bumble bee conservation in Northwestern Wyoming

Project Leaders: Amy Marie Storey & Dr. Lusha Tronstad

University of Wyoming / Wyoming Natural Diversity Database


Increased educational and engagement opportunities during the Annual Greater Yellowstone Crane Festival

Project Leader: Kim Trotter

Teton Regional Land Trust

See other grant lists: 

2021 and before




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