2021 and Previous Grants

Non-invasive estimation of population size and genetic status for Teton Range bighorn sheep
Project Leader: Sarah Dewey, Wildlife Biologist, Grand Teton National Park
Conserving migratory ungulates: advancing opportunities for science-based conservation action
Project Leader: Sarah Dewey
Critical Habitat Model for Northern Goshawks in Teton County
Project Leader: Bryan Bedrosian
Monitoring wildlife and recreation use on the Bridger-Teton National Forest
Project Leader: Courtney Larson and Trevor Bloom
“Golden Eagles: Witnesses to a Changing West” (Documentary)
Project Leader: David Rohm, Conservation Filmmaker
Nesting Behavior, Home Range Size, and Habitat Use of Ferruginous Hawks in Western Wyoming.
Project Leader: Sarah Ramirez
Documenting amphibian use of Beaver Ponds in Grand Teton National Park
Project Leader: Andrew Ray
Diversity and distribution of case-building caddisflies in Grand Teton National Park wetlands
Project Leader: Andrew Ray and Jana Cram
Critical Habitat Model for Northern Goshawks in Teton County
Project Leader: Bryan Bedrosian
Variation in seasonal movements, habitat selection, and annual productivity of an irruptive, facultative migrant
Project Leader: Katherine Gura
Unseen challenges: identifying parasite communities infecting Yellowstone wolves and their impacts on host fitness
Project Leader: Ellen E. Brandell
Ensuring Habitat Protection in the Bridger Teton National Forest Plan
Project Leader: Joy Bann
Assessing Habitat Quality for Grizzly Bears (Ursus arctos) in Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks and the Efficacy of Yellowstone’s Bear Management Areas
Project Leader: Elise Loggers and Dr. Andrea Lit
Understanding the role of phenotypic plasticity in maintaining dominance of the New Zealand mud snail
Project Leader: Dr. Amy Krist
Increasing the long term impact of the Greater Yellowstone Sandhill Crane Initiative through adult education and training
Project Leader: Joselin Matkins
Monitoring wildlife and recreation use on the Bridger-Teton National Forest
Project Leader: Courtney Larson and Trevor Bloom
Landscape Analysis of Native Bee Community Composition and Plant-Pollinator Interactions in Yellowstone National Park
Project Leader: Kristen Switzer
Watch for Wildlife
Project Leader: Kristin Combs
The role of food web structure and resource availability in providing refugia for threatened alpine invertebrates
Project Leader: Karen Jorgenson
Food for Thought: Understanding the Joint Impacts of Predation and Food Limitation on Sagebrush Songbird Nesting Success
Project Leader: Ashleigh Rhea
Linking Monitoring and Research to Amphibian Conservation in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem: a Science Symposium
Project Leader: Andrew Ray
Of Mice and Birds: Effects of Primary Predator Removal on Sagebrush Songbird Nesting Success
Project Leader: Ashleigh Rhea
Expanded Crane Research in Teton Valley to support the goals of the Greater Yellowstone Sandhill Crane Initiative
Project Leader: Joselin Matkins, Teton Regional Land Trust
Western Toad Monitoring in Jackson Hole
Project Leader: Debra Patla, Northern Rockies Conservation Cooperative
Spatial ecology and conservation of long-distance mule deer migrations from Grand Teton National Park
Project Leader: Steve Cain & Sarah Dewey
Using Genomics to Understand the Population Dynamics and Further Conservation of Great Gary Owls in Jackson Hole
Project Leaders: Beth Mendelsohn, Bryan Bedrosian and Holly Ernest, Teton Raptor Center & University of Wyoming
Evaluating Occupancy Survey Methods for Northern Goshawks with the Use of Automated Recording Units
Project Leader: Bryan Bedrosian, Teton Raptor Center
Great Gray Owl Habitat Selection and Home Range Characteristics during the Breeding and Post-Fledging Season
Project Leader: Katherine Gura, University of Wyoming: Wyoming Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit
Population Origin and Identification of Unknown Lek Sites for Columbian Sharp-tailed Grouse in Grand Teton National Park
Project Leader: Jonathan Lautenbach, University of Wyoming
Understanding Adaptive Capacity in a Changing World
Project Leader: Embere Hall, Wyoming Game & Fish Department
Monitoring the Breeding Population of Wyoming’s Harlequin Ducks
Project Leader: Lucas Savoy, Biodiversity Research Institute
Establishment of a Yellowstone MAPS station
Project Leader: Justin Barth/ LaurenWalke, Yellowstone Forever
Spatial ecology and conservation of long-distance mule deer migrations from Grand Teton National Park
Project Leader: Steve Cain, Sarah Dewey, GTNP Foundation
Teton Valley Crane Project
Project Leader: Joselin Matkins, Teton Regional Land Trust
2019 Jackson Hole Wildlife Symposium
Project Leader: Peyton Griffin, NRCC
Bald Eagle Genetics in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem - Revealing the Wyoming Connections
Project Leader: Michael Whitfield, NRCC
Identification of Long-Term Black Rosy-Finch Monitoring Sites in Wyoming
Project Leader: Carl Brown, NRCC​
Great Gray Owl habitat selection and home range characteristics during the breeding and post-fledgling season
Project Leader: Katherine Gura, Wyoming Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, University of Wyoming
2017-2018 Jackson Hole Adopt-a-Trout ProgramProject Leader: Leslie Steen, Trout Unlimited
​American Kestrel Survival
Project Leader: Ross Crandall, Craighead Beringia South
Nesting Demographics of Flammulated Owls in Jackson Hole
Project Leader: Bryan Bedrosian, Teton Raptor Center
Genetic Connectivity of a Rocky Mountain Hummingbird in Threatened Sky-island Habitats
Project Leader: Braden Lewis Godwin
Great Grey Owls at the Range-Edge
Project Leader: Beth Mendelsohn
Spatial Ecology and Conservation of Long-distance Mule Deer Migrations from Grand Teton National Park
Project Leader: Steve Cain and Sarah Dewey
8-Legged Architects: The Ecology Of Mound Building In Spiders
Project Leader: Maggie J. Raboin
For everything there is a season – but the seasons, they are a changing: Phenology shifts in the Tetons
Project Leader: Corinna Riginos, Ph.D.
Phase 2: Connecting Wyoming’s Breeding Harlequin Duck Population to their Important Wintering and Molting Areas and Identifying Crucial Habitats
Project Leader: Lucas Savoy
Stewardship in Action: Trumpeter Swan nest site monitoring and habitat improvement in Teton County, Wyoming.
Project Leader: Drew Reed
Demographic Study of Long-billed Curlews in Grand Teton National Park and the National Elk Refuge
Project Leader: Jay Carlisle
A Landowner’s Guide to Fences and Wildlife – 2nd Edition
Project Leader: Nicholas Rogers, Wyoming Wildlife – The Foundation
Clark’s Nutcracker, an Avian Seed Dispenser
Project Leader: Taza Schaming, Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Evaluation of Trumpeter Swan nesting habitat and habitat improvement potential on the Wyoming portion of the Caribou-Targhee National Forest
Project Leader: Drew Reed, The Trumpeter Swan Society
Quantifying wildlife resilience to climate change in Wyoming’s montane habitats.
Project Leader: Embere Hall, University of Wyoming: Wyoming Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
Long-billed Curlew Satellite Telemetry Project, Year Two: Grand Teton National Park
Project Leader: Jay Carlisle, Boise State University, Intermountain Bird Observatory
For Everything There is a Season – but the seasons, they are a changing: Phenology shifts in the Tetons
Project Leader: Corinna Riginos, Teton Research Institute of Teton Science Schools
Monitoring wildlife movement on South Highway 89
Project Leader: Cory Hatch, Jackson Hole Wildlife Foundation
Determining The Level of Detectability Using Environmental DNA (eDNA) Sampling and Traditional Methods to Inventory Amphibians: Improving Amphibian Conservation Efforts on The Bridger-Teton National Forest
Project Leader: Don DeLong, US Forest Service, Bridger – Teton National Forest
Spring Banding and Summer Surveys of the Black Rosy-Finch in Wyoming
Project Leader: Carl Brown/Vincent Spagnuolo, Biodiversity Research Institute
Assessing Snail and Trematode Biodiversity in Jackson, WY at swan concentration areas
Project Leader: Amy Krist, University of Wyoming
Craighead and Craighead Raptor Census (1947-2014)
Project Leader: Bryan Bedrosian, Craighead Beringia South
Multiscale landscape patterns of habitat selection and resource tracking by the Clark’s nutcracker, an avian seed disperser
Project Leader: Cynthia Todd/Taza Schaming, Cornell University
Monitoring Amphibian Breeding Efforts on the National Elk Refuge
Project Leader: Debra Patla, Research Associate; Northern Rockies Conservation Cooperative (NRCC)
Long-billed Curlew Satellite Telemetry Project, National Elk Refuge
Project Leader: Jay Carlisle, Research Director; Idaho Bird Observatory, Boise State University
Pilot study to evaluate a long-term Harlequin Duck breeding population monitoring study in Wyoming’s Grand Teton National Park
Project Leader: Lucas Savoy
Documenting distribution and habitat attributes for northern flying squirrel in Teton County, Wyoming
Project Leader: Martin Grenier, Nongame Biologist, Wyoming Game and Fish Department
Distribution, prevalence, and feeding patterns for tabanid flies (i.e. horse flies), the vector of the arterial worm of sheep and cervids (i.e. moose)
Project Leader: Amy Williams
Creating Educational Opportunities for Citizen Scientists in Jackson Hole--co-funded with Nature Mapping of Jackson Hole and the Community Foundation of Jackson Hole.
Project Leader: Teton Raptor Center
Snake River Regional Wetland Plan—co-funded with local partners including Ducks Unlimited Jackson and the Teton Conservation District
Project Leaders: Susan Patla and Brian Remlinger
The Impact of Whitebark Pine Mortality on Clark’s Nutcracker Demography and Habitat Use
Project Leader: Taza Schaming