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Application Process and Policy

Please Read Before Applying!

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Next Application Deadline:
Midnight February 1, 2025

Mission Statement: The Meg & Bert Raynes Wildlife Fund helps maintain wildlife populations into the future through support of research, education, habitat protection and habitat restoration.

The Meg and Bert Raynes Wildlife Fund makes annual grants to support science-based projects focused on wildlife, habitat, and conservation in Jackson Hole and the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. Projects may involve field research, education, or habitat restoration.  The MBRWF generally funds projects in the $3,000 - $5,000 range. Grants for more than this are rarely awarded. The MBRWF considers grant applications once a year, generally in February.

Grant Application Guidelines:

The Meg and Bert Raynes Wildlife Fund underwrites projects or activities that have local impact on Jackson Hole and the surrounding region including the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.​


•  The MBRWF gives preference to projects with an emphasis on species and habitats that are often overlooked by more traditional funding sources. These include non-game wildlife, native plants, and insects.

•  Although some pure research projects receive funding, the MBRWF looks for projects or activities that have the potential to result in conservation-oriented action.


•  All projects must have stated goals and objectives that can be measured and evaluated when the project is completed.


•  Results of funded projects must be published or otherwise made available to the public.


•  Applicants must be affiliated with a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization or an educational institution.

•  Grant monies must be used directly on the project described in the application. This includes travel between a local base of operations and field work sites, but does NOT include other kinds of travel expenses such as air fare, long-distance transportation to study areas, or travel to attend/present results at meetings. Grants may not be used to fund graduate school expenses, tuition or administrative/overhead costs.

•  Project proposals submitted by educational institutions such as universities must include a letter indicating that the funds will not be used to pay for overhead. For graduate student research applications, the student’s advisor should provide a letter of recommendation, confirming that the student is in good standing and that the faculty member is willing to provide the guidance and resources required to fulfill the project.

•  Project proposals submitted by non-profit entities must include (1) a copy of a verification letter from the IRS confirming 501(c)(3) status and (2) a letter indicating that the organization agrees to our requirement that grant funding will not be used for additional costs or overhead. Both documents must be attached to the grant application.


•  Whenever possible, the applicant should leverage the impact of funded projects or activities through collaboration with other organizations or individuals who share common objectives. The MBRWF will consider co-sponsoring funding efforts with other organizations that share common objectives.


•  The MBRWF will not fund the endowment of 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations or programs related to Political Actions Committees (PACs) or political campaigns.

Evaluation Criteria for Grant Applications:

  Proposals that meet the criteria below in a clear, specific and demonstrable manner will be favored:

  • The goals and objectives of the project are consistent with the MBRWF’s mission and with these grant application guidelines.


  • The applicant/organization demonstrates that it has the capacity to implement the project.


  • The proposed project has clearly stated goals and objectives that can be completed in one year. If more than one year is required, the request must have a clear explanation for continuance. No project will be funded for an additional year without another complete application. Progress reports are required by stated deadlines for additional funding to be considered.


  • The project has the capability to produce measurable results, based on achieving the project goals and objectives.


  • The MBRWF receives adequate recognition for funding the proposed project.

 Preparing and Submitting a Grant Application

Submit a completed MBRWF grant application form, with attachments, in one email by the deadline above. For the list of attachments, see the application checklist.

Use Word or PDF format for the application form and attachments. PLEASE use this format for identifying your proposal in the email subject line: Project Leader Last Name_Title of Proposal_Year (example: Smith_Threats to Songbirds_2024). Please email to:

Proposals arriving after the deadline will not be considered.

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