Grants Awarded in 2023

Blow fly parasitism in songbirds
Project Leaders: Donald Jones & Dr. Anna Chalfoun, Wyoming Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Unit, University of Wyoming
Sagebrush songbird migration
Project Leaders: Emily Shertzer & Dr. Anna Chalfoun, Wyoming Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Unit, University of Wyoming
Breeding habitat and disease in boreal toads
Project Leaders: Margot Breiner & Dr. Anna Chalfoun, Wyoming Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Unit, University of Wyoming
Loggerhead shrike reproduction and habitat selection
Project Leaders: Erik Shoenborn & Dr. Anna Chalfoun, Wyoming Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Unit, University of Wyoming
Wildflower Watch
Project Leader: Trevor Bloom
The Nature Conservancy
Beavers as biodiversity buffers
Project Leaders: Katherine Davis & Melanie Murphy
University of Wyoming
High School Butte Living Laboratory
Project Leader: Libby Crews
Teton Co. School District
Moose population demographics in Grand Teton National Park
Project Leader: Sarah Dewey
Grand Teton National Park Foundation
Greater Yellowstone harlequin duck monitoring and eDNA investigation
Project Leader: Dustin Meatty
Biodiversity Research Institute
Avian community turnover in restored hayfields of GTNP
Project Leader: Tracy Johnson
University of Idaho
Sporting Lead-Free
Project Leader: Hannah Leonard
Teton Raptor Center
Sensitive raptor monitoring in NW Wyoming
Project Leader: Bryan Bedrosian
Teton Raptor Center
Crane Festival educational support
Project Leader: Kim Trotter
Teton Regional Land Trust
Amphibians of Yellowstone and GTNP photo exhibit
Project Leaders: Charles Peterson, Andrew Ray, & Debra Patla
Northern Rockies Conservation Cooperative